Gear Tips #3 | Table Top Tripods

For this week’s Gear Tips I want to talk about an accessory that goes everywhere my camera goes, my table top tripod. There are a bunch of small tripods on the market, but with a number of accessories a basic table top tripod can do some really incredible things. In this article I’ll share a quick review of my personal table top tripod and the accessories I’ve used over the years to get some of my favorite shots. Continue reading

Gear Tips #2 | Lens Hoods

In today’s Gear Tips I want to share my thoughts on something a lot of people give very little thought to: lens hoods. Most lenses come with a hood but I often see people out shooting without using them (or worse – having them on their lens backwards in a “storage” position). Some lenses don’t include a hood but getting one is usually very inexpensive. In this article I’ll talk about why we should always use a hood. I’ll also talk about two specific Sony lenses I own that didn’t include hoods – along with the hoods I found that worked great for them.

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Gear Tips #1 | Giottos Rocket Blaster

Welcome to a brand new series of blog articles. I’ve been working on this project for some time and it’s part of a much larger venture for me. This has been years in the making and represents an important first step. It’s my hope that both new and long-time readers of my blog will like the eventual results.

My idea is to take all of my knowledge, years of experience and a love of helping others and channel it into a series of “tips” to help improve your photography with articles here on the blog and videos over on my YouTube channel. I’m confident I’ve hit on a combination that will really help people at every skill level from newcomers to pros and everyone in between.

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